Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Good news for YOU, maybe!

So I just got off the phone with the pediatrician a little bit ago. We now have the official diagnosis: Contact dermatitis, absolutely hands-down-no-question.

No new bumps, no fever, no itching, what spots there were getting smaller and paler without any eruptions or lesions. T’aint chickenpox, ‘tis probably something in the tub.

Which means that I am guilty-guilty-guilty and it is all my fault. Hmm. Where did I put that hair shirt of mine…

So after I hung up the phone, I turned to my beloved offspring and announced, “Good news, guys! You can go back to school tomorrow! You are neither contagious nor sick!”

Eldest looked me dead in the eye and deadpanned, “Good news for YOU, maybe!”

You know, it really sucks when they're wittier than you...


HDW said...

I just read your posts...and oh my goodness it is like looking into my own house!!!! LOL.......glad you can send em' back to school!!! WOOHOO Party at your house about 9 am huh? Shall I bring my knitting?

Anonymous said...

I am such a bad mother that, if I am sick enough to take a sick day from work, I force the kids to go to school so I can have the sick day ALL TO MYSELF.

Glad to hear they don't have chicken pox, though, and they can go back to school.

Mine are wittier than I am, too. Yeah, it sucks.

Jen said...

At least they come by it naturally. You've taught them well. LOL

21stCenturyMom said...

ha ha- you KNOW she gets it from you ;-)

Amy Lane said...

My daughter once asked me what she got from me...(hair, eye color, etc.) I told her it was my sense of sarcasm, to which she responded, "Yeah...thanks a lot, mom!"

Dysd Housewife said...

Happy to hear no CP! unfortunately, now you have to inspect your bathroom supplies for the real culprit.