“HI! BILLY MAYS HERE FOR {oddly compelling product which may or may not work as advertised but by gum it surely does get the job done under their carefully controlled conditions}!”
The first time I remember seeing HI BILLY MAYS HERE, it was for OxiClean. And I didn’t really bother to stop and ponder the all-important question of who the heck IS Billy Mays, anyway then.
As the years rolled by and HI BILLY MAYS HERE kept entering my life hawking various As Seen On TV products, I began to find myself accepting that Billy Mays is somebody I know.
You know, in that way that you feel you know people you have actually either never actually met in real life or have met in the briefest possible of ways but have read/seen/listen to everything they’ve ever written/performed/recorded and therefore feel you have some kind of intimate knowledge of them as if you were best friends forever.
Which I actually had happen once when I met another blogger face to face after years of Internet communication and when she walked in it was like, ‘Oh hi, how are you’ and then we proceeded to just sit and chat as if we had been meeting in coffee shops for years and years and years and it was very weird to stop and think, I have never met this person IN PERSON before, ever because I do feel as though I know her.
Where the heck was I? Oh yeah. HI BILLY MAYS HERE is a person like that. I have this vague idea that I know who he is.
He’s, like, I don’t know. A football player or something? Or maybe he was…that guy. You know? The guy? Who did that…thing?
Yeah. Him.
Well today I opened up a package of Hercules Hooks (love them, by the way – this was the first time I’ve actually used them and they work great!) and there was Billy Mays smirking at me from the packaging and I thought, Oh, there’s Billy Mays. That guy, who did that thing, and now he sells OxiClean. And Hercules Hooks, apparently.
And then I thought, Wait.
Who the heck IS Billy Mays?!
So I looked him up.
The Internet is a wonderful thing.
Do you know who the heck Billy Mays is?!
He is…
That’s it.
Billy Mays, who says his name with such confidence because obviously, like Joe DiMaggio, you just know who he is…is a salesman.
Nothing more, nothing less.
And I have to say ‘nothing less’ because people, that is impressive. Think about it. There are not many folks out there who command that kind of name recognition, without having actually saved kittens from a burning building, or pulled off a 400 yard touchdown in the last twenty seconds to save the Miami Dolphins from defeat.
I wonder if perhaps I could build my own empire selling stuff, if I could just learn to say my name that confidently.
HI, TAMA HERE FOR LINT FUZZ! Yes that’s right, new improved lint fuzz! It can be used to insulate your house, just stuff into cracks for winter comfort! Or you can use it to steady that rocky table…stuff New Improved Lint Fuzz under one leg and presto! Steady table, perfect for your afternoon coffee! The uses for Lint Fuzz are limitless – ball them up and toss them on the floor for cat toys! Tell the children they are trash and they will play with them for hours! Avoid vacuuming forever simply by sucking them up into your vacuum hose, guaranteed to destroy even the most expensive brands of vacuum, thus excusing you from that pesky chore FOREVER!
Yes that’s right – lint fuzz! Supplies are not a bit limited, so please! CALL TODAY, OPERATORS ARE STANDING BY!
(What do y’all think? Should I be calling HSN on this baby?)
Recipe Tuesday: Hoisin Chicken Tray Bake
3 months ago
Haha you crack me up! Thanks for the laugh I needed :-)
I always thought Billy Mays used to be a sidekick figure on some '80s TV show that I never saw...thought perhaps that association is just because he sort of resembles Al from Home Improvement?
Hope your stomach problems don't turn out to be anything too serious.
oh but at least Billy Mays isnt as annoying as Tony Little! actually, i dont mind either of them all that much. i kinda admire their sincerity for their products and i think maybe im a little envious of their enthusiasm. but thats just me.
Is he the "Cilit Bang" guy? If so, then we get him too!
"Bang and the Grime is Gone" (or, in my case, channel hop and the ad is gone).
- Pam
I always assumed his claim to fame was the vocal condition that will not allow him to speak in less than a roaring shout. My husband and I do Billy-Mays-in-bed-with-a-woman impressions whenever he comes on tv. Right before we change the channel.
We just avoid watching the channels where he goes about hawking his mops or whatever.
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