Friday, April 09, 2010

They ALMOST wear no pants

O.M.G. Just seen at BART: Pair of young men. Pants almost to their knees.

Trying to look cool while waddling like ducks, holding their pants up with a thumb looped through their BELTS.

You know...the ones around their KNEES...?


(sent from my Treo)


Lisa T said...

Like toddlers with a full load, right?

PipneyJane said...

I'm wondering when they'll stop thinking that look is "cool". It looked silly back in the early 1980's but it didn't last long that time. This time, it's gone on for years.

I remember arguing with my assistant about it back in 2006. He'd just bought a pair of "low riser" jeans (basically slung from his groin area). I said it looked silly and he agreed. "So why did you buy them?" "Because it's the fashion", was his response.

- Pam (waiting for the return of pencil skirts so tight the wearer can't climb stairs)

marit said...

I keep telling my 18-yearold he needs to keep his underwear really clean if he continue to wear his jeans this way...

Jeanne said...

Even funnier is when they try to run - think Dick Van Dyke dancing with the penguins in Mary Poppins =)

Tola said...

i keep a gold leather belt around for those days when my step-son shows up with pants like that. i tell him he must either buy his pants to fit, or wear a belt. if he forgets to put one on before he leaves his house, i will gladly lend him mine.

Science PhD Mom said...

The trend solely responsible for the instant popularity of the song "Pants on the Ground".