Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Not that I'm counting, but...

Statistically-speaking, I have roughly 312,816 hours left with this particular incarnation. And 233,256 hours of working life ahead of me. I should have increasingly-less dependent, yet nevertheless constantly underfoot Denizens around for another 129,888 hours or so. I have another 32 hours of work-for-paycheck to go this week...1777 hours altogether for this contract.

Whole lotta time right there.

And yet...finding the guesstimated 2.8 hours left to finish the knitted-on border for this shawl...seems...challenging.

Ah, time. Such an abundant kind of scarcity...


Steph B said...

"Abundant scarcity" - You do come up with some lovely turns of phrase. Now I'm going to have that running through my head until I find a way to work it into casual conversation. Thanks (I think!).

Oh, and please finish the shawl, it's lovely!

Layne Bushell said...

my thoughts exactly - well not exactly, but I've been thinking about time, how much I have and how much I waste. it's sad. I should be so much more productive.